エッコ チェンバー 地下

─ €cco ₵hamber ฿asement, Vaporwave / Đésir đupłication répétition ─

つぶやかれた、ヴェイパーウェイヴたち - 2021年・秋冬コレクション (5)

Vaporwave / Dreampunk albums - the ones we introduced on Twitter - also logged here.
In this fifth installment, we are pleased to introduce some Dreampunk (inspired music).

─── I N D E X ───
죽음ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰᵖᵒᵉᵐ: 신 패턴 [god pattern] (2021) -
MISE: Nexus Reality (2021) -
Sentence Me To Heaven: Lost Realities (2021) -
evryn: Veneno (2021) -
"Evolve" ■ └ hypermodern music mix ┐ (2021) -
Oracle Point: Life In The Neon Labyrinth (2021) -
evryn: left to rot EP (2021) -

죽음ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰᵖᵒᵉᵐ: 신 패턴 [god pattern] (2021)
3 songs 18 min ≫≫≫≫≫
The Korean words - in the artist's name is "death", and in the title seems to be "god pattern" as it is!
If we follow the God Pattern..., where will we end up?
To a place where death can be accepted peacefully?
Anyway, I love the oriental sounding pluck in the second song!

MISE: Nexus Reality (2021)
10 songs 40 min ≫≫≫≫≫
Full album by MISE, who reportedly lives in Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil
No, actually, I just now for the first time got the information where he is from...
And if we know that, we can feel the Latin hotness in the intensity of the percussions in the third track and others!
And also while supplying a sweet chill...

Sentence Me To Heaven: Lost Realities (2021)
6 songs 26 min ≫≫≫≫≫
There's a group who call themselves the Dreampunk Record Club, or DRC for short...
And this album was advertised by them
As the AD phrase goes, “sweet dreamy dreaminess”, the album is a sweet dream world, but on a grand scale!

evryn: Veneno (2021)
8 songs 47 min ≫≫≫≫≫
“Veneno”... what is it... I looked up and found that it means “poison” in Spanish
And this is, full of rain sound effects 🌧💧☔ - 100% humid Dreampunk album by evryn from Venezuela!
Note: There is an album with the same title on the artist's own page, but for some reason, it has only a few songs

“Evolve” ■ └ hypermodern music mix ┐ (2021)
Mixed 45 min ≫≫≫≫≫
A Dreampunk mix, supposedly by HKE!
“Dream Catalogue EVO is an evolution, a hypermodern alternative. We move forward without apology”
It doesn't seem to be there now, but it is logged that it was accompanied by such a stirring statement in outline!
..."No apologies!" The reason he insists on saying that is because he knew he had done “something”...❓
Well, anyway, the video shows an endless series of events that could be called "upheavals", uprising, in the background of the music - is this what HKE is seeing in the world today?

Oracle Point: Life In The Neon Labyrinth (2021)
12 songs 67 min ≫≫≫≫≫
Dreampunk / Vaporwave
Cosmic and Exotic, a mysterious sound journey like crossing the universe on the Tokyo local Line❗
Blunt train's slow tempo and transfer announcements 📢

evryn: left to rot EP (2021)
4 songs 18 min ≫≫≫≫≫
evryn, a Dreampunk / Vaporwave artist from Venezuela
I hold him in extremely high regard!
And this EP is a cinematic and atmospheric sound that makes your moment of peace melancholic!