エッコ チェンバー 地下

─ €cco ₵hamber ฿asement, Vaporwave / Đésir đupłication répétition ─

つぶやかれた、ヴェイパーウェイヴたち - 2021年・秋冬コレクション (6)

Vaporwave / Dreampunk albums - the ones we introduced on Twitter - also logged here

─── ᴵ ᴺ ᴰ ᴱ 𝔛 ───
tÆ ┬▌mΣ: matcha (2021) -
죽음ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰᵖᵒᵉᵐ: /​/​/ 2021 연말 \​\​\ (2021) -
mulchprize: LUXURY POINTS (2021) -
secretflowers: incidental ep (2021) -
Virtual Debris: 再生 (2021) -
(株)目黒企画: Golden Memories (2021) -
EXSHA: 𝟐𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 (2021) -

tÆ ┬▌mΣ: matcha (2021)
15 songs 50 min ≫≫≫≫≫
tÆ ┬▌mΣ - tAETImE, who seems to be from Athens, Georgia, USA
He has three albums out, including this latest one “matcha (powdered green tea)”
And all of them are very tasteful, relaxing Vaporwave with a little chill-hop nuance!
They are the perfect accompaniment to your elegant and peaceful teatime!

죽음ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰᵖᵒᵉᵐ: /​/​/ 2021 연말 \​\​\ (2021)
8 songs 27 min ≫≫≫≫≫
その2021年12月・発、〈ことし作ったはいいが発表しそびれたトラックたちだぜ! ランダムなクソどもだが、愉しめっ! アイラヴュー〉という趣旨のアルバムです
年の終わりの大そうじ、歳末大棚ざらえ、といったような? タイトル中のコリアン語も、単に〈年末〉という意味のよう
また、いつものデスさんと違いシリアスすぎないところもあるので、じっさい愉しめるでしょう❣ アイラヴュー
deathpoem from Tennessee, USA, and this album, released in December 2021, is said "here are some cuts from this year that didn't go anywhere. a bunch of random bullshit. enjoy! i love u all"
Like a big end of the year cleanup, a big shelf cleanup? The Korean word in the title also seems to simply mean "yearend"
Yes, the songs are all different in style and mood, but they are all of high quality
And unlike the usual deathpoem, some of the songs are not too serious, so you can really enjoy them! i love u~~~💕

mulchprize: LUXURY POINTS (2021)
10 songs 22 min ≫≫≫≫≫
これにつき、〈カバーアートの美しさ❗ 1曲め、6曲めがいいですね〉……という感想を、昨2021年の私はツイートしていました
今作の制作意図(の一部)としては、かの偉大なluxury eliteさんの様式もろもろのパスティーシュなのだと思います……サウンドはあまり似ていませんが、しかしいいっ
彼による別の2021年作“Portable Television”は、ヴェイパー/フューチャーファンクの一流的レーベル、business casualからリリースされています(
“Beautiful cover art❗ I like the 1st & 6th tracks”... which is what I tweeted last 2021
I think (part of) the production intention is a pastiche of the great luxury elite's style and more... Sounds not so similar, but good!
Now, this multiprize is a Nippon band, apparently by a man who is called “Kinsei” mainly
Another 2021 album by him, "Portable Television", is released on the leading Vaporwave/Future Funk label, business casual!
...Already well established & well regarded, so there will be more to come in 2022!

secretflowers: incidental ep (2021)
8 songs 27 min ≫≫≫≫≫
secretflowers is reportedly from Orlando, Florida, USA
Rather than Vaporwave, he may be more of a "Loop-based Ambient" artist
He usually plays a loop of two to four bars, and then changes it up a bit..., and then lets different elements creep in..., and in that way he creates a very pleasing sound❗
However, since the artwork for this EP is VHS as you can see, so still on our side

Virtual Debris: 再生 (2021)
8 songs 41 min ≫≫≫≫≫
このバンド、バーチャル・デブリは日本人のアーティストであると、リリース元のglobal patternによって宣伝されています(
ただ、ひねくれ者の私の感想としては、〈音楽である〉ということを半歩でも踏みこえていく勇気(か何か)、それがもう少しあったらなーと? ……いいんですけどね!
The band Virtual Debris is advertised by the label global pattern as a Japanese artist
Their Dreampunk / Ambient-Vapor album...
It's a beautiful & joyful sound that describes urban desolation and prays for its rebirth!
However, I, a cynical person, wish they had the courage (or something) to go beyond "being music" even by half a step...! But good enough

(株)目黒企画: Golden Memories (2021)
18 songs 37 min ≫≫≫≫≫
Meguro Planning Co., Ltd. based in Meguro, Tokyo, Japan, self-proclaimed
And this album is a neat, classical #Vaporwave / Weather Music that's easy on the ears
Memories are golden, an eternal glow...
And the title of the 12th song is "The Key is Salt and Pepper" so you can enjoy the spicy mood! 🧂🌶️

EXSHA: 𝟐𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 (2021)
16 songs 81 min ≫≫≫≫≫
インドの先進IT都市・ムンバイ在住のじゃっかん17歳と言われるアーティスト、エクスシャさんの衝撃的デビューアルバムです! ザ・傑作ゥッ!!
あれこれのクリシェらに頼りすぎることなく、ていねいに織りあげられた、都会の孤独な夜の瞑想。メロディックでスムース、またあるときはダイナミックに、みずみずしい気持ちがみごとサウンド化されています! 大すいせん!
This is a Dreampunk / Ambient-Vapor album released in the summer of 2021, in the somewhat distant past...
Said to be a 17 year old living in Mumbai, India's advanced IT city - EXSHA's astounding debut album, The Masterpieeeece!!
A meditation on lonely urban nights, carefully woven without overusing any clichés. Melodic, smooth, and dynamic at times, the lush feeling is beautifully captured in the sound! Highly Top Recommended!