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─ €cco ₵hamber ฿asement, Vaporwave / Đésir đupłication répétition ─








何を言い、何をしたらいいのでしょう? 私に分かっていることは、これらを放置した場合、いずれ私たちのヴェイパーウェイヴが攻撃をこうむるのは確実、ということです。

[sum-up in ԑngłiꙅℏ]
I don't know much about it, but it is reported that a website called "Pornhub" has been weakened by human rights gangs or something.
(Warning: minors are not allowed to visit this hub)

Freedom of thought, speech, press, and expression. We, who are trying to be part of them, feel like supporting this hub somehow.
So, I made a parody of the Pornhub logo. I don't know what it's supposed to support?

And when I say created, I mean ...

At first, I tried to do it with image software. However, I found a site where you can easily create this parody logo with a script or something.

That's America (or somewhere else), the meme superpower!

But, well, such is ... I feel sorry for Pornhub, but on the other hand, on December 12, the dissident journalist Ruhollah Zam was executed in Iran.
This made me feel as if a part of me had been killed. I am exaggerating!

What can we say and do? What I do know is that if we let these things go, our Vaporwave will eventually come under attack.
And it won't be long before they do.